Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Article Review:Chapter 5

In an article about stereotypes of career or relocation.My comment in this article is career stereotypes for example is insurance agent.It true insurance sales must be gregarious,but this article say successful insurance agent for many years has developed a portfolio of loyal,happy clients.I'm available has many dissoppointed and also try to decieve client.Relocation myths,I'm also disagree about the big cities are unfriendly and any places seems hostile to newcomers.I'm lived many places in big cities,they are friendly, kindly and also caring with their friends and neighbours.Some off all is proud.Furtermore,we must followed the technology because it can helpful in our life.

Article Review:Chapter 6

I read an article.In my comment is stories about many women out there who are not able to conceive chidren.I'm disagree because many women can get children or baby and every people it was born by women not a men.We can also see in the world,most people from the other country.The experience to becoming a new mother in this article is good an it also parth of experience to another women.


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