Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Marketing (DyeEnZ)

This article presented about the explorers updated. Marketing across different virtual worlds. The rise in companies allocating marketing budgets into the virtual world’s space primarily from brands who have been watching the space for a while and deciding now’s (or pretty soon) the time to engage. The great news for virtual world operators but potentially putting downward pressure on the prices worlds are able it charge for in0world marketing activities. The brands that are already marketing in virtual worlds (excluding Second Life). The longer a world has been active the more likely they are to have had marketing campaigns take place in them. This trend by bringing brands in at early stages of their development. Most successful to date in terms of bringing brands in is there with nine campaigns. This is also starting to see brands deploy marketing into multiple worlds. I think this plan was the first strategic marketing framework for companies considering entrance into the met averse. This report has recently been updated to include a wider range of virtual worlds (existing and in development) and a wider range of marketing initiatives.

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