Sunday, February 1, 2009


I like to take a adopt children.I will do anythings to take the adopt children.For me, it is important to me to have the adopt children.I can't imagine my life without him.I would to take the adopt children from the United States.At the same time, I can train the mind and abilities of him to be a Muslim.I can provide such training to him to be a Muslim.Another reason to have the adopt children is I want to have and help him.I can't imagine no ones can educate him if I don't want to help him.Before I take the adopt children, I should discuss with my beloved wife.I believe that she supports me to take the adopt children.Firstly, I am very nervous and hope that I can be a good father.I am worry about how can I communicate with him because he can't speaks Malay.But, I think the important thing is I should train him as a Muslim.


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