Sunday, February 1, 2009


As we know, every married couple wants to have children. It because, children is their assets in family of life. Without them, life is not perfect and happiness. If one day, I’m getting married and can’t have children, I prefer to adopt a child. Why I say like that? It because, adoption children can give more benefit to us.
Firstly, adoption children are kind of moral value. It because we need to help them from poorness. Although, we know they are not our own children, but they are very special to our life. Basically, if we takes adopt children, after that we can have own children. Another than that, children is very important to husband and wife for their inspiration. Children as sources in life between husband and wife. We will responsible in their life in all aspects like education, health and etc. Our life can happier if we can see they growth. As a conclusion, children are very important to make my wedding stronger with my husband.(1080141)

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