Sunday, February 15, 2009

Effects of modern technology...

Modern technology can be classified to many examples such as ThinkPad program and online banking. In my opinion, I look this modern technology were give more positive outcome than the negative outcome. Why I said like that? It is because when we use the islamic banking for example, we can save our time to go the bank and standing in long lines. Besides that, we also can learn more about the IT connection and make we more confident to use the online technology. Furthermore, in the modern life nowadays, we need to know and expert to use the online connetivities. Although it may cause less intraction among other people, but peoples are still can make the intraction among the other at their work. As a result, they will get the best intraction among themselves. In conclusion, I can say that internet or modern technology connetivities will give more positive outcome than the negative.


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