Sunday, February 1, 2009

Will You Adopt Children?

I'm very upset right now because I can't have any children after 2 years I married.I can't believe that some people are allowed to adopt.I have read adoption articles on the web because I was tought about adopting again. Some of the articles are so sad and they make me cry. There are so many people out there who have the kindness hearts and willing to share them with children in need.I send a warm thank you for all who have done for those children.However,there are also articles from people who adopt just for the attention from their friends.

For me, I can't believe that adoption will make me happy for the rest of my life. Now, I'm sad, but after I adopt children, it will make me more sad. It is because in Islamic jurisprudent,we as adopting parents are not allowed to give will for them because they are not from our descendant except we give them wealth as a gift.As the conclusion,I think adopting comes from the heart.


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