Saturday, August 23, 2008


There are many types to learn english language such as advantage of learning english,other language,other alphabets and so on but i interested with advantage of learn english.In my own opinion,i think learning of english language is good way to speak and understanding this language very well. Technology help us in many ways such as when we access the internet we may found consumer of english language in website return by english language,so we must learn english because it is very important to us in this period time.All of people known that the facilities of mass media also help us in many ways,for example from television we can get new information from this such as "national geographic" who was displayed in english language.we can learn new vocabulary,in other side,we also learn about science,something about animals and so on.In radio,we can learn about how to speak very well.A few of programme in radio,that we called"emcee"also used an english language.From this way we can practise from step by step.Throw radio also, we can learn english language with english songs.I think from this manner more easier for us to learn english language and,with thier tones,music an so on make more fun and excited to learn that.Learning language is something helps person to open thier mind so that more develop in learning english language.=)naziha osman.

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