Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Article review :A muslim in a family (identity)

I read an article : A muslim in the family . The information was presented in this article is a man who was convert becomes muslim .In my opinion , I agree that when he took syahadah in the company of two muslim witnesses to make a declaration that only one god , Allah ,who created and power the universe . Beside , I also agree when the speed of change can bewildering for convert's non muslim family member .Maybe they be confused by this new -found religious zeal .For example ,his family especially his mum and dad disagree when he becomes a muslim .For his parents islam is bad religion . But for him , islam is perfect and peaceful . For example , he explains to his parents islam is not violence .And quran is not a handbook for oppression of women . Although , his parents do not like his identity but he still patient to make them understanding his new religion . (NURUL AIN BT ABD RAZAK 1080139 )

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