Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Article Review:Language and learning

In article stories about where should you study.Example places is at library,home,with a friend's,neighbour's,relative's home,in an empty classroom and at your job.In here i want to given my opinion about it.Study at library and home is different.If we study in library,we can get what are you want to study.It because there have a quiet places,but in home usually many distractions example from a little brother and so on.Furthermore,if study with friends,neighbours or relatives house it can,but no more among 3-4 people.The causes to be talking non topic to study.About study in the same place every night,my opinion is it depend to individual comfortable.After that,study in an empty classroom.I'm suggest with the article.Usually,the students will go to empty class to study because if we can't understand about the topic we can find and ask to teacher at office.Lastly,study at your job,I'm disagree.It because we can't concentrate about the study.The conclusoin,the places to study depend to individual ways and sense.

( Maryam bt Md Yusof)

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