Saturday, August 23, 2008

ARTICLE REVIEW (Top Ten Benefits of Early Language Learning)

I read the article about Top Ten Benefits of Early Language Learning written by unknown written. According to the article it has been given ten greats reasons to start and improving for learning the new language. I think from "Better and more advanced reading skills and Gives brains a boost" are the best ways for beginners and practicing a new language.
So that, from the bilingual childrens knowledge of a second language gives them an advantage in learning to read and when they grow up, its gives good effects to themself from that exposure. So we can see from better and more advanced reading skills can gives them advantage in learning to read. Later, according gives brain a boost, Malcom Gladwell quotes James Flynn, a renowed scientist research into the effect of bilingualism on children showed it is the best way flexing those brain muscle and building them up too.
So far, learning a new language at any age is an enormously rewarding experience in many ways. Therefore, from learning a second language we will find new and even unique uses as we adapt our language process to child's and family needs and aspirations.

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