Sunday, August 24, 2008


article review-identity and learning

The article is about Donald Trump. He owns some of the most prestigious pieces of prime real estate in New York City. In my opinion, he is very hardworking person, because of that he gets successfull in his career. Trump is a self confident and extravagant bussinessman that has made himself instantly recognizable wherevar he goes. Among his many other pursuits, Donald Trump was briefly interested in running for precident, is a member of several civic and charitable organizations and is generous philanthropist. His confident to do something new make better in his life.

article review-language and learning

Major of the student say that they prefer not to study a foreign language. They will generally answer that the subject is too difficult or pointless, perhaps adding the parennial juvenile complaint that it is 'boring'. In my opinions, language learning is in crisis if anybody do not take any solutions to settle the problem. It is now important to study a foreign language especially english language. It is that, since most global business is done in english, student would be better off. There must be room in education for the idea that subjects are worth studying for benefits other than future earning potential. It must be started from the best ways education in school to attract most of the student, also make sure that it can give positive impact to them.


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