Monday, August 4, 2008

p.writing 2: Who was an important influence on you as a child?

The idol....I believe everyone has a idol.It is a part of important thing in our life.So, for this time i would to tell anyone "who was an important influence on me as a child".For your information,13 years ago.I hate english very much.It was so difficult and boring subject.I also can not pay my attention to it.BUT NOW...everything had changed and nothing was impossible.I respect and love english so much.So miracle,someone can change my view to english subject.Who's the person???The person is a dynamic and excellent woman.She is Madam akma bt Abdullah.She also my beloved English teacher.For the first,I want to thanks very much to her because she teach me anything about english.Beside that,she also gave advices and supports to me to study english until the end of my life.I am sure very much,without her in my life.I can not love and know english very well.Maybe I am also not be here.The last but not least,today....I LOVE ENGLISH MORE THAN OTHER SUBJECTS BECAUSE OF HER INFLUENCE...TQ TEACHER.....I REMEMBER YOU FOREVER!!!!(NURUL AIN BT ABD RAZAK) (1080139)

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